520 Youth
Our Youth Ministry at First Covenant desires to teach students in 7th to 12th Grade to develop healthy, strong relationships with God, their family and friends, and the world around them. Parents and families have the strongest influence on the lives and development of students, so we hope to partner with the families to help our kids grow in their faith. There are times throughout the week for study, discipleship, fun, and service; as well as special events provided throughout the year. We call it "520 Youth" because our address is 520 Spring St, and our youth group partners with Zion Covenant Church, whose address is 520 Fairmount Ave.
520 Youth: Sundays @6:30pm for senior high
Mondays @6:30pm for Jr high @ Zion Covenant Church
520 Sunday nights are a time to have fun together at Zion Covenant or at various locations around the area. They are a chance to connect to one another and have a short devotional and discussion together.
Special Events: As Announced
There are times during the year we have the opportunity to participate in special events. Keep your eyes and ears open to announcements about retreats, special outings, and different events to have fun together and continue to grow!